This time I'd like to introduce Japanese famous movie.
Do you know Miyazaki Hayao?
I'm going to introduce his movie "となりのトトロ" "My Neighbor Totoro" in English.
This was released in 1988.
First of all, I want to explain characters.
○Kusakabe Satsuki
○Kusakabe Mei
○Kusakabe Tatsuo
○Kusakabe Seiko
Next, I'm going to introduce the story.
The Kusakabes have moved to country side,
because they want to welcome mother into good surroundings house.
She has staied the hospital because of tuberculosis.
At the house, Satsuki and Mei met ghost called "Susuwatari" first.
Oneday, Mei met two strange creatures at the garden while she was playing.
They are called "Totoro"
Mei followed them, and walk deep into the forest.
At the place, there was very Totoro sleeping.
On the rain day, Satsuki and Mei were wating for father to give his umbrella.
Without notice Totoro was also waiting next to.
After a minute, very big "cat-bus" has came and took Totoro.They have gone soon.
Mother's discharge from hospital was postponed.
It made her so sad, and tried to visit mother's hospital by her self. But she got lost.
Satsuki was looking for Mei, but they can't find Mei.
So Satsuki asked Totoro to help.
Totoro call Cat-bus, and take Satsuki to the place where Mei is.
In the movie we can see the Japanese old life style.
So, I'd like to introduce a part of that.
〈old Japanese life style〉
This is a well. The well is a tool to pull up water from underground.
Once most of houses have own well, and they were using water for thier life such as washing clothes or washing rice.
I'm going to tell you how use the well.
First, you pour a bucket of water into the well.
Next, you push the handle up and down.
And, water pulled up more and more.

This is a Japanese old telephone.
Now we can talk on the phone with somebody who we want to contact directly.
But, once people had to ask call center to contact people who they want to , and hang up the phone.
After they wait a few minutes, they can get response.
As you can see, Satsuki has a receiver which has only for listen.
Old style receiver was divides into listening and speaking.

This is Japanese old style bath!!
I think you know that Japan has a custom to take bath!
But do you know many years ago Japanese people were boiling water by burning firewood?
The old bath has some space for burning wood under it.
In the movie, Satsuki was doing that like this picture.